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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Television... some inspiration to get you going?

So... Its been some time since my last update and sadly there's not a lot of movement on the boat front as most of my funds are being ploughed into the family house at the moment and a much needed 2 week break in the South of France for us all!

That said I have been turning to a few TV programmes to help keep me happy in the Spring evenings. Once the kids are to bed and the PBO is read from cover to cover then Monday now finds me watching Channel 5s New Lives in the Wild 

Ben Fogle -New Lives in the Wild
The 2 shows I've seen so far have made me even keener to get the boat project on the go and a reality!
Nothing much else to add other than its been an inspiration and I really want one of the little inflatable boats that the family and Ben were on! EBay calls!

Till next time, and fingers crossed for the lottery, as at this rate, it'll be the only way I can afford the boat!!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

March sees in Spring...

With March being the official start of Spring I've been thinking of the coming year and the hopes of actually being able to purchase a boat at the right price!

I've also been thinking of being able to return to the hills again soon as the clocks come forward. Perhaps the hills and my bike can help me get some of the old fitness back!
A trip to the outdoor shop saw a new pair of boots for taking up Snowdon, and then a lot of activity in the loft while I dug out some of my old kit for the coming Spring.

Walking aside, let's hope 2013 brings me luck and the perfect bilge keeler at a bargain price!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The perfect boat at the right price

Things have been a little hectic at home right now, what with the birth of our second child! So while changing nappies, I occasionally think of my, very much on the back burner, sailing project. And, just as I suspected, when I have no funds the perfect project boat turns up!

I am currently watching a Hurley Felicity 20 yacht on eBay that has suffered slight damage after she slipped her mooring. Priced at only £300, she would be perfect, but then how do you convince your wife that a yacht 200 miles away will perfectly compliment a 4 week only child?

Fate has a lot to answer for!